These are a few accounts of European witch trials from from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that will hopefully give you a more in depth look into the accusations, gender dynamics, trial proceedings, and the outcomes.

If you would like to view more pamphlets on witch trials in Europe you can visit the Early English Books Online database.

The tryal, condemnation, and execution of three witches: Temperance Floyd, Mart Floyd, and Susanna Edwards

Sterne, John,17th cent. 1648. A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft Containing these Severall Particulars : That there are Witches … Together with the Confessions of Many of those Executed since may 1645 … / by John Stearne Now of Lawshall London, Printed by William Wilson.

The wonderful discoverie of the witchcrafts of Margaret and Philip Flower

The Wonderful Discouerie of the Vvitchcrafts of Margaret and Phillip Flower, Daughters of Ioan Flower Neere Beuer Castle: Executed at Lincolne, March 11. 1618 Who were Specially Arraigned and Condemned before Sir Henry Hobart, and Sir Edward Bromley, Iudges of Assise, for Confessing Themselues Actors in the Destruction of Henry L. Rosse, with their Damnable Practises Against Others the Children of the Right Honourable Francis Earle of Rutland. Together with the Seuerall Examinations and Confessions of Anne Baker, Ioan Willimot, and Ellen Greene, Witches in Leicestershire 1619. London, By G. Eld for I. Barnes, dwelling in the long walke neere Christ-Church.

A further account of the tryals of the New England witches

Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. 1693. A further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches with the Observations of a Person Who was upon the Place several Days when the Suspected Witches were First Taken into Examination: To which is Added, Cases of Conscience Concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personating Men / Written at the Request of the Ministers of New-England by Increase Mather .. London, Printed for J. Dunton ..

A Full and True Relation of the Tryal, Condemnation, and Execution of Ann Foster

The Full and True Relation of the Tryal, Condemnation, and Execution of Ann Foster (Who was Arrained for a Witch) on Saturday the 22th of this Instant August, at the Place of Execution at Northampton : With the Manner how She by Her Malice and Vvitchcraft Set all the Barns and Corn on Fire Belonging to One Joseph Weeden Living in Eastcoat, and Bewitched a Whole Flock of Sheep in a most Lamentable Manner. And also in what Likeness the Devil Appeared to Her while She was in Prison, and the Manner of Her Department at Her Tryal. 1674. London, Printed for D.M.

The Full Tryals, Examination, and Condemnation of Four Notorious Witches at the Assizes

The Full Tryals, Examination, and Condemnation of Four Notorious Witches at the Assizes Held at Worcester, on Tuesday the 4th of March with the Manner, how they were found Guilty of Bewitching several Children to Death, as also, their Confessions, and Last Dying Speeches at the Place of Execution, with Other Amazing Particulars Concerning the Said Witchcraft 1690. London, Printed by J.W.